All posts by Mrs McLean

Innovative Inventors

All the boys and girls that completed there Science Project were given time this morning to share with the class. We practised our talking skills when speaking infront of others and our listening skills when we had to listen to other people. Everybody did a fantastic job and showcased some wonderful ideas, well done. All will be available to see at our showcase next Friday!

STEAM Week activities

On Thursday we had a visit from Think Science. He taught us lot’s of exciting things and encouraged us to always think about the science behind things.

Alfie- He said that hot air goes up, it rises, but cold air doesn’t. So the bag went up to the roof when it had hot air but stayed on the ground when it only had cold air.

Tom- Me and Grace had a tug of war but no one won. The man sucked all of the air out and they stuck together because there was no air. Even the teachers couldn’t pull it apart.

Jason- We caught sticky bubbles. If you were gentle you could catch one on each finger, i did it, i got ten, one on each finger.

Mya- I liked catching the bubbles. when you popped it you could see a sticky circle.

Christmas Nativity- Hey Ewe!

Not long now. We are very excited about performing our christmas show on Tuesday night. Thank you to everyone who sent in costumes today. We will have a dress rehearsal on Monday so please try to have your costume in for then if you haven’t already.

Aaron- I’m so excited, I like singing the songs. I even know all the words to the p1 and 2 song.

Alice- I’m a little bit nervous but excited too.

Mya- I’m excited about being at the high school on the big stage.