Getting it right … in P2b

Our thoughts on Getting it Right for Every Child


Marysia – when I play with my little sister.

Kyle – when I play with my best friend.

Lisa – when I’m with my family.



Aaron – when I play some sports.

Corey – when I run about playing tig and then eat apples and bananas

Scarlett- when I play sports too!


Alistair – when I get a medal at sports.

Amy – when I was second place ay sports day

Abigail – when I get my gymnastics badges.



Oliver – when someone is cuddling me.

Lucas – when I am safe and happy.

Sophie –  when my friends are around me.


Active –

Aston – when mum takes me to rugby.

Lewis – when I play basketball.

James – when I am running about fast in the playground. I feel strong.

Respected –

Jenna – when mum says well done to me

Chantelle – when my family love me.



Ollie – when I set the table out.

Robbie – for keeping my room tidy.

Andrew – when my mum lets me play on the front garden


Kyle – when my friends let me play with them when I ask them.

Oliver – when I am part of a team.





Learning French is Fun!

Today we performed our French tongue twister for the school as part of a whole school theatre production.

Amy – I like learning French

Corey – I like it because it is fun and you’re speaking in a different language.

Ollie – I liked it because it was interesting to hear a different language.

Scarlett – I liked our tongue twister.

Oliver – we tried hard and won the chocolate.

Chantelle – the tongue twister was a little bit hard to learn.

Abigail – I didn’t think we’d win.

A special well done to Aaron who also had to speak the tongue twister aloud to all the school. He was really brave and did so well.

I am so proud of you all. Fantastique! We’ll certainly enjoy some chocolate this afternoon!

Mrs McDermott xx


P2 Careers Fair

A huge thank you to the parents of Jessica, Iona, Abigail, Kyle and Oliver in P2 for giving up their time to talk to P2 about the world of work.


We have been exploring what work means and here are some of the things we have learned:

Oliver- My mum told us about bank stamps and she told us about what she does there.

Abigail – we learned it takes a lot of work to be good at your job.

Amy – Kyle’s mum said she wanted to work in a library so when the Foundry opened she got a job there.

Chantelle – we got to count money from the bank so you have to be good at counting to work in a bank.

Kyle – My mum showed us how to test swimming pool water so it is safe to swim in.

We learned how important it was to get to work on time, be friendly at work and enjoy the work you do too!

You can see how well the children participated and concentrated.



Archimboldo Art!!


A portrait painted by Guiseppe Archimboldo.

Alistair – we made healthy eating plates. We had to stick down fruit and vegetables to make a picture like Archimboldo.

Sophie – we made faces out of fruit and vegetables. There were funny and good ones!

Scarlett – They had funny faces.

Lisa – we used, cucumbers, bananas, grapes, lettuce, carrots, kiwi and oranges.

Oliver – we had a fun time.

James – I stick a big cucumber nose, grapes nose head, cabana skin and an orange mouth.

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Miss Ross had fun and learnt lots too!


Healthy Eating in P2b

Scarlett -In Primary 2 we have been learning about food groups.

Amy- we have sorting out food into groups. We need to eat a balanced diet from all the food groups.



Abigail – You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because they are healthy. I had salmon noodle box for lunch today and was delicious.

Lucas – I like eating grapes, apples and oranges. I like lots of different fruit.

James – for a brain break we sang a song about healthy fruit, Here it is-


Nurses from The University of the West of Scotland visited us to tell us about why it is important to be healthy. We also heard all about their job too.



P2 Robert Burns Afternoon

Primary 2 really enjoyed learning a little about Robert Burns. We recited the start of To a Mouse and did a super job learning it!





We learned The Dashing White Sergeant.


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We enjoyed tasting haggis and shortbread.

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Ollie’s gran left us a treat too!termekn24-caramel_waffer_30g1YUM!

Thank you very much!

We sang heids, shooders, naps and taes! We watched The Gruffallo in Scots language too.


P2 Artist Study LS Lowry

  Primary 2 have been learning about the work of the artist LS Lowry. We listened to him talking about his paintings, looked at some of these paintings and listened to a song called ‘Matchstick Men’ written about Lowry. Here are some paintings we liked:

We observed this factory painting.


Jenna- this has a lot of grey sky and smoke.

Abigail – I don’t like this because it has smoke. It makes me feel sad because it looks dark.


lowry2 This is a self portrait.

Lowry painted this portrait of himself. Oliver – he was young here. I think he looks smart.


Some people had fun at the beach.

Lowry painted this happy day. Alistair – the beach looks pretty good. Andrew – this painting has lots of colours. Corey – so this painting makes you feel happy.



We observed the buildings and people in his factory painting and made our own as you can see!
















Look out everyone – lots of the children want to paint more Lowry style paintings at home too!


May the Force be With You!






…not quite! Here’s what P2b really had to say:

Jenna – In our science we have been learning about forces.

Aaron  -push and pull are forces

Amy – we investigated in groups . In one group we had cars and we had cars on a ramp. We found out that the the car goes faster when the ramp gets taller. When the ramp is low, the car is slow.

Ruairi – we thought of the movements we made in gym like twisting and stretching and bending. We push and pull our muscles.


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Christmas has come to P2



What an exciting start to a new month and a new season! Today we got to know our new elf friend and learned what Advent actually means.


Here’s what we had to say …

Sophie – “An elf has come to our class.”

Jenna – “We voted for the elf’s name and his name is … Wayne!!”

Oliver – “Our elf has got a big smile.”

Robbie – “We have been practising for our Christmas concert.”

Lewis – “The tree is up!”

Lucas – “The Christmas lights are on.”

James – “We have an advrnt calendar.”

Ruairi – “Santa has sent a special elf down to see how we work.”

Scarlett – “This is a special time for Christian people. Advent means Jesus is coming.”






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