
Sport Challenge

Today was a great day! Mrs Gordon organised a fun sports challenge for us on the pitch. We rotated around four stations; flat race, javelin throw, egg and spoon race and tug of war. We loved it! ☀️

The winners were …

Egg & spoon race – Andrew 🏅

Flat race – Jake 🏅

Javeline – Harris 🏅& Emma 🏅

Tug of War – Cedar House 🏅

Well done everyone !




Treasure Map

Our new sound today was ‘x’. One of our play activities was to make a treasure map with a partner, using the ✖️ to show where treasure could be found 💎 We demonstrated excellent team working skills and our maps turned out fantastic ! Some of use even used our maps during role play to find the treasure which was hidden, it was lots of fun !

We also used our whiteboards to write different words which included the sound ‘x’. There were a few of us who were finding it a little tricky to think of any so we used the books from our library to help.📚

Scavenger hunt

This afternoon we went on a scavenger hunt in our eco garden. Mrs Stephenson read out different clues and we had to find the answer using our rhyming knowledge.

Here are some of the clues we were given;

I am tall and proud. You can stand under me. Animals live in my branches, I am a _______.

You’ll come across lots of these, when out on a walk. They’re like big stones, what’s under the ______?

You can walk on me, play football or pass. I grow spiky and green, I’m a patch of _____.

On our walk back, Mrs Stephenson overheard us talking with our friends about other words which rhyme. Ask us to name some at home 😊