STEM and stuff!

Over the past few weeks we have had a strong STEM focus at school. Here are just some of the things we have been up to….We have been building, experimenting and creating homes for different people / animals to live in, learning to tie shoelaces, joining online chats with NASA about Mars, talking to a dentist about his job, speaking to a farmer about her farm, working on our Bee friendly garden (planting and watering), writing letters to our Prime a Minister about banning bee-harming pesticides, sharing our Time Capsules with one another, designing our own seed packets, weighing and measuring…the list is endless!Β 

Christmas Activities


We have been so busy working hard on our literacy, our numeracy and of course our Christmas activities in the last few weeks. These activities have included learning a Scottish Country Dance, using Lego and Kapla to create Christmas scenes, making candy cane Christmas tree decorations, making fridge magnet gifts, singing our Nativity songs, learning nativity lines, participating in our nativity, making Christmas cards with special messages for people in local care homes…the list is endless! Lots and lots of fun, and still 3 days before the end of term!



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