Category Archives: Learning through play

Play in 1.4

We continue to review areas and resources for free play in our room to extend the children’s knowledge and skills. Here is a glimpse of some of the activities available in our classroom today!

Our reading tent is proving very popular during free play! Sometimes it’s nice to stop and read with a friend. A book of their choosing ☺️

We love technology in 1.4! Different games focusing on Literacy & Maths skills are shared on the board for us to tackle, some chosen by our teachers and others we have chosen independently.

Construction remains a favourite in our room!We have marble runs which have been lots of fun to build. We continue to love using blocks and today we were discussing the different 3D shapes and which make our structures more stable.


Treasure Map

Our new sound today was ‘x’. One of our play activities was to make a treasure map with a partner, using the ✖️ to show where treasure could be found 💎 We demonstrated excellent team working skills and our maps turned out fantastic ! Some of use even used our maps during role play to find the treasure which was hidden, it was lots of fun !

We also used our whiteboards to write different words which included the sound ‘x’. There were a few of us who were finding it a little tricky to think of any so we used the books from our library to help.📚

Numeracy: Learning through play

It is wonderful to see the pupils applying their counting, matching and sorting skills during play. This was led by the children showing their ability to develop their ideas and build on previously learned skills.

It started with one pupil laying the cards on the carpet to create a number line from right to left. The same pupil then added blocks to the cards.

The number line and blocks were left for some time before two more pupils added to it. They spaced out the blocks, made sure the correct number were there and then counted out gems for each number. Sorting, matching and counting through play.