All posts by gw18oneilnicolle@glow

Week 1

Hello and welcome to P1.4’s blog.

The first three days of P1 are now complete and the children have settled very well into their new learning environment.

On day 1, first-day pictures were taken by Mrs Kelly. These will be shared with you very soon. The rest of the week was spent familiarising the boys and girls with our school rules, daily routines, school layout and of course opportunities to play! We have already noticed the children becoming faster with our toilet visits and handwashing which is fantastic!

As we cannot have our usual ‘meet the teacher’ this year, on Friday 29th August we will be sharing a video with you where we hope to address any questions you may have and inform you of what to expect throughout primary 1.

We are looking forward to our first full week with p1.4. Monday will see the introduction to phonics and exploration of number. Expect some very tired boys and girls on Friday!

Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Hamilton
