A busy week!

We have been very busy this week. Look through our selection of photos to see our ERIC time (Everyone Reading In Class), playing rhyming games with loop cards, investigating and using money, playing ‘odd and even’ maths games, investigating reflection, visiting the PE hall to do gymnastics, developing our fine motor skills with a hallowe’en theme by cutting out spiders and drawing pumpkins, and finally, visiting the library to see the whole school’s Maths Week Scotland displays and videos.

A mix of Mearns Masters and Maths Week!

A whole mix of exciting activities going on at the moment! We explored the art of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, an Italian artist who used seasonal fruits and vegetables to make portraits! We then created our own food art portraits at Mearns Masters, which we enjoyed eating afterwards. Among the many activities going on for Maths Week Scotland, we explored the story of Sophie Germain, a famous French mathematician. We looked at the struggles she faced to become a world famous mathematician, and the discoveries she made – such as how vibration and sound waves can affect one another. We used glasses to make different sounds using only water and our fingers. Many children submitted Maths Week homework activities, some of which you can see here. We also  investigated different ways of playing using maths in class – for example, Sophie Germain created patterns which helped build the Eiffel Tower – we used patterns to make a tower taller than the tallest child, then a structure bigger than Mrs Connolly! A fun week all round.