
In class we have been exploring days of the week, months of the year and seasons. Today, we were looking at times on an analogue clock, focusing on o’clock.

At half past 11, Mrs Stephenson set us a little challenge. She asked us to tell her when the time on our analogue clock reached 12 o’clock. We made her laugh because we started doing this, watching the clock tick …

… but she quickly moved us along back to our activities 😄



Phonics fun!

Today for our literacy task we were scanning for different sounds (digraphs). The digraphs we were looking for today were ai, ie and oa. Mrs Stephenson was very impressed, we did great!

Some of us tackled a ‘read and draw’ activity where we had to read a word (eg crab, hand etc) and draw what we think we read. We were superstars!