Lots of Primary 1.2 expressed an interest in animals, farms and springtime. We have enjoyed lots of activities this week linking to these themes. We used the book ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson to help direct our learning. Listen to the story here.
We have really enjoyed our outdoor time this week. We are building up our stamina on the Daily Mile.
After reading ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ we created our own farm maps for Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh to help them steal our own prize animal. We learned all about what makes a ‘fine prize cow’ and also did some listening and talking activities about different farm animals. We then used our maps to create instructions for Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh to help navigate them through the farm. Our focus was instructional writing with the use of bossy verbs and numbers to give our instructions an order. Look at our wonderful creations!
Spelling our sounds for this week using Pom Poms
Messy play, explorative play or outdoor play, it doesn’t matter, we love playing in P1.2!