Overlee Family Centre

Official Website for Overlee Family Centre, East Renfrewshire

Transitions into Overlee

Settling your child

1.20 – I am in the right place to experience the care and support I need and want.
2.18 I am supported to manage my relationships with my family, friends or partner in a way that suits my wellbeing.
3.6 – I feel at ease because I am greeted warmly by people and they introduce themselves
3.8 – I can build a trusting relationship with the person supporting and caring for me in a way that we both feel comfortable with.

Health and Social Care Standards (2019)

We are delighted that your child is coming to Overlee and is joining us on this exciting new journey. We look forward to working with you
over the coming months and years. Our aim is to make your child’s transition from home to nursery a happy, enjoyable time and the
beginning of a successful and positive learning experience. However, we do recognise that this can be an anxious time for both children
and parents and hope that the information contained in this pack will provide some practical advice and support as well as key
We are delighted that your child is coming to Overlee and is joining us on this exciting new journey. We look forward to working with you
over the coming months and years. Our aim is to make your child’s transition from home to nursery a happy, enjoyable time and the
beginning of a successful and positive learning experience.

At Overlee we aim to work closely with parents and from the outset and we would encourage you to voice any questions or concerns you may have as your child moves towards their first days of nursery.
We will have opportunities to meet your child’s key worker and complete their enrolment paperwork at a home visit. This will be arranged between yourself and the nursery, at a time convenient to you both, prior to them settling
Each child’s settling experience will be completely individual to them and will be taken at their own pace. It is important that your child is given time to settle into her/his new environment. Each child is different and their key worker will discuss the individual needs of your child with you.

New Family Open Nights

We have termly open evenings for our new families and welcome you and your child along to
At Overlee Family Centre we have an open door policy and if parents are keen to come for a visit prior to the child starting they are than welcome to come in at any time. At the ‘Family Open Night’ parents will have an opportunity to ask any questions around their child’s settling. We will also email a Welcome Sway for parents and a virtual tour for children with tours of our setting to share with your child.

Home Visits

A week prior to the child’s start date a member of staff will contact you via a phone call to offer a home visit prior to your child’s first day. If you parent is keen to partake in a home visit this will be arranged with a time that is convenient for both the parent and nursey. During the home visit the child will have the opportunity to meet and interact with their key worker and begin the process of building a relationship. This is also an opportunity for the parent to share and receive relevant information using the ‘Home Visit Information Log’ and to ask any questions that they have regarding the child’s nursery settling. Parents will be given a nursery handbook that details the resources that they are required to bring such as a change of clothes, wellies, nappies etc.

We work individually with children and families and support each child’s transition into nursery as individual and unique as they are. We understand that some transitions may take a little longer than others and we are more than happy to support you and your child to feel comfortable and settled.

Please refer to our Settling Policy for further information.

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