Overlee Family Centre

Official Website for Overlee Family Centre, East Renfrewshire

Parent Information

Our Family Committee

Our Family Committee will meet regularly to discuss nursery events, transitions, visitors and much more. Our ‘Biscuit and Blether’ sessions enable parents, family members , carers and nursery staff to work together to chat informally and build relationships to support our wonderful young learners. We support and encourage our families to share their expertise and skills and welcome opportunities to utilise these in our nursery life. Our committee is for all member of a child’s family so we welcome Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts or any other family member to join our Family Committee.

We meet monthly to discuss nursery events, transitions, support for families, review of policies and any other business. These meetings are very informal and an opportunities to get to know the staff team and other parents or family members.

Please feel free to ask a member of our team for any more information on our parent committee or let us know if you would like to join us.

Psychology of Parenting Programme (POPP)

In partnership with NHS and East Renfrewshire Early Years, parents who attend the centre or indeed live in the community can access local supportive parenting programmes. These programmes are available for families with children 2.5/6 years. If you want to help improve your child’s behaviour and gain some new strategies and skills for effective, confident parenting come and speak to Margaret or Claire. Groups run across East Renfrewshire with flexible days and times. We can make a referral for a space on your behalf.

Family First

Family First is a free, confidential advice and information resource in East Renfrewshire.


Our aim is to provide support by working in partnership with families.

We can help and enable you to access local services professional and voluntary, ensuring the children get the best possible start in life.

We understand that families can run into difficulties, emotionally, financially or even physically that may prevent us doing the simplest of things.

Whatever you’d like to speak about, our team can offer support and advice on issues surrounding school, health, home, money, parenting, additional support needs (with our without diagnosis) and confidence building.


Parental Involvement

Family Forest Adventures

We have regular opportunities for families to attend our Family Forest Adventures and Stay and Play sessions for families to come and join us. These Forest Sessions give families a chance to explore and learn together as well as some time together. We will have regular opportunities to enjoy these events throughout the year and will advertise these via our Twitter page or on the Information Board outside.

Baby Massage

Our Baby Massage courses will aid relaxation and digestion, help relieve colic and help your baby to sleep. Over a six-week course of classes you will learn to massage your baby from head to toe. The course includes detailed hand-outs to support the massage. We also set aside some special time for ‘MamaChat’ discussions and articles on a variety of parenting topics. Our focus is as much on you as your baby.

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