All posts by E McCluskey

Jumping Into June

With summer holidays fast approaching, it’s nearly time to say goodbye, especially to our fabulous children who are getting ready to spread their wings and fly off to Primary 1.

We all wish you good luck in your learning and adventures as you conquer new challenges at school.

Their time at Cross Arthurlie Nursery has flown by so quickly and we have enjoyed our time together, making many happy memories. So please take time to look through some of the experiences we have shared…


Listening to stories about going to school

Mark making and developing our scissor skills

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Taking responsibility for making banana flapjacks for snack

Corresponding number and number recognition

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Sports day preparation

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We hope you have a wonderful summer holiday!

With Love and best wishes,

Mrs McCluskey, Mrs Love and Mrs McFarlane

See you in August !

MAY we have some fun?! 🚩 πŸƒ 🚩 πŸ†πŸš© πŸ₯‡ 🚩

Welcome to the Red Group’sΒ  May Blog. We have been very busy in nursery getting organised for Sport’s Day and some children have been practicing for their Moving On Ceremony.


The children have also been learning about hapa-zome. This is when the natural colour from plants is used to dye fabric. When the flower is hit with a hammer, it’s colour prints onto the material. This process has been used to create bookmarks.

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Spring has sprung 🐰 🌸 🌿

We hope you had a wonderful April break! The children have all settled back into their routine and have enjoyed sharing their experiences from home.

During nurture time, the children have been interested in exploring different mathematical concepts and challenges.

Exploring patterns, sorting, matching and even beginning to understand the concept of picking the odd one out.

We also looked closely to find the values of coins. Some children were comparing the differences between them and then organised the coins into categories.

“These one’s are shiny and silver, they are my favourite.”

A few other snapshots or the fabulous red group exploring numeracy within their play.


As the exciting month of May approaches, we are beginning to practice for our wonderful sports day on the 22nd. Please come and cheer on our fabulous Red Group as we cross the finishing line.

See you next month!


Mrs Love, Mrs McFarlane & Mrs McCluskey xx

February Love β™‘


Welcome to February

Throughout the month of February the red group has focussed on developing our fine motor control.

Fine motor skills are about the small muscle movements in the fingers, hands and forearms. These skills develop over time as children interact with the world around them. As childrenΒ improve their fine motor skills they will become able to perform controlled and stable movements, when:

  • Holding a pencil.
  • Feeding themselves.
  • Cutting along straight and curved lines.
  • Opening lunch boxes.
  • Drawing circles and crosses.
  • Building things with blocks.
  • Making sculptures with materials like clay.

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You can see the development of these skills as we:

  • Use scissors to cut along lines.
  • Mark making using our fingers in flour.
  • Squeezing the glue out of the bottle.
  • Using our hands and fingers to add details to our clay/ playdough models.

Stay and Play Sessions

Thanks to our wonderful Red Group parents and carers for coming into nursery to spend the morning with us. We are all so proud of how your child showed you around the nursery and shared their favourite experiences with you.

See you in March

Mrs Love, Mrs McFarlane & Mrs McCluskey xx

Hopping into March 🐰

Welcome to our March update! 🌼

The red group have been very busy as they hopped their way through March, using their imagination and creativity along the way. We have learnt about the abstract artist Piet Mondrian and his use of squares, rectangles and primary colours to make artwork.

We have made Mother’s Day cards to show our appreciation for all our mums while developing our fine motor skills.Β  We have been cutting shapes, learning about their properties, creating self portraits and making papier-mache Easter eggs! πŸ₯š πŸ₯š πŸ₯š


Have a wonderful and restful Easter break,

Mrs Love, Mrs McCluskey and Mrs McFarlane

Winter Wonderland πŸŽ… 🀢 πŸŽ„ ⛇

Happy New Year!

Welcome to our latest nursery update where you will find out all about what the children have been doing throughout December and January…

December was fun filled with lots of festive experiences, which the red group have dived straight into! We dressed up for role play, wrote letters,Β  made cards, decorations and learnt new songs to sing at the Christmas Market.


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In January, we welcomed new friends to the Red Group and showed themΒ  how we brush our teeth and listen to stories at nurture time.

We’ve also been getting creative, exploring different malleable materials.

Thank you for all of your support and kindness throughout 2023.

We are looking forward to seeing how much the children grow in 2024!

Mrs Love, Mrs McFarlane & Mrs McCluskey x x x


A little “throw- back” to our Halloween Trick or Treaters!

We hope everyone had a wonderful time dressing up. We shared lots of jokes and songs to celebrate such a fun day at nursery.

The children within the red group have been sharing what they would like to do at nurture times each day. This has enabled the children to take ownership of their learning.

One child suggested bringing in a special toy to share with their group. A few children decided on a special belonging of theirs and brought it in to share why it was so precious to them…

“This was my mummy’s when she was little.”

“This shiny coin can let you buy things.”

“This is Dr Who’s screw driver!”

“My baby is special.”

“I like to play with mine.”

We then all had the opportunity to comment or ask a question. All children in the red group were absolutely fantastic at complimenting their friends special belonging.

“I think it is really beautiful!”

“Wow that’s so cool.”

“I love your toy.”

“Thank you for letting me play with it.”

Everyone was very careful with each other’s belongings.

We are all so proud of you all!

Finally, some pictures from more experiences the red group have had this month…

Children in Need celebrations, a visit from police officers, rhyming games, and even starting to prepare crafts for the Christmas markets in December!


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Stay tuned for more fun in December!!

Mrs McCluskey, Mrs McFarlane & Mrs Love


Sliding into September

Welcome to Septembers Blog.

The environment is getting ready for Autumn, but in the Red Group we are getting ready to go on a learning adventure!

There has been lots of ‘Rumbling’ in the nursery with the wind and the rain creating noises. This inspired us to read one of our stories ‘ Rumble in the Jungle’.

The Red Group have been discovering rhyming and alliteration through this book. we have been practising this by listening to the words and discussing possible rhyming words.





Β  Β  Β πŸͺ₯Don’t Forget your toothbrush! πŸͺ₯

In the Red Group we have been learning why it is important to brush our teeth, making sure all the plaque has been removed.

The Red Group likes to brush their teeth!


We make sure we cover every tooth with toothpaste to fight the nasty plaque!

We have been discovering new media and the different ways we can experiment with them.

Different objects were used to investigate methods of printing and mark making.

“Cars are leaving long lines and I can move them in different directions to make a pattern.”

“Sponges! they are leaving a round shape and it has small marks like bubbles.”

“Dinosaur foot print! “πŸ¦•πŸ¦–

We have also experienced the art work of Jackson Pollock and experimented with media while recreating some of his work.  We have displayed our creations on the walls and we even made place-mats for our house corner. 🏠




In the Red Group we always like a challenge! In this case we were sorting colours. We worked in pairs to match the same colours together. This developed our team working skills.

πŸŒŸβ­οΈπŸ’«We were fantastic at it! πŸŒŸβ­οΈπŸ’«

We are having lots of fun discovering and experiencing new activities that develop our knowledge and curiosity.Β  We are ready for October’s learning challenges!!


Welcome Back !

Welcome Back

We hope you have had a wonderful break over the summer holidays. β˜€ 🌊  🌈

This blog is used to share some of the fun and exciting learning experiences that go on during our nursery sessions.

They will be updated at the end of every month so save the date and settle down with a cuppa to have a nosey! 🍡 β˜•

Introducing our keyworkers in the Red GroupΒ  β™₯

Mrs McFarlane, Mrs Love and Mrs McCluskey

Over the last fortnight we have had wonderful role models in the red group. The pre-school children have been helping the younger children adjust to their new routines and rules at Cross Arthurlie.

We have welcomed our new friends by sharing stories and songs together. Alongside, proudly showing off our journals. πŸ“™ πŸ–‹

A few photos from our first few days back… πŸ“Έ

See you next month xxx


See you next month!



Summer is Here!

Farewell and Good Luck !

Good Luck to all our children in the red group who are going to school in August! We hope you all settle in and enjoy being a BIG Primary 1! We will miss you all .


School ahead | Road Signs Direct

With a lot of chat about moving on to school, we decided to change our role play area into a school. We have been trying on some of the school uniform,Β  practising our numeracy and writing skills, reading stories and playing games.

In the construction area we have been busy creating our own designs using the large blocks and the woodwork bench.Warning Construction Activities In Progress Sign | UK Safety Store




We have been enjoying the glorious weather over the past few weeks…sunshine-sun-clip-art-with-transparent-background-free-free-clipart-sun-2361_2358-2 - Norfolk Public Library


Many of our tadpoles are starting to turn into wee frogs. Frog Single Clipart. Frog Graphic. Digital Images Instant - Etsy UK

We had a visitor from the school , she has been teaching us some Mandarin . We were spending some time in the art area colouring in some Chinese characters and letters.

We hope you all have an awesome summer holiday, Β we can’t wait to hear about all the exciting adventures you have been on…and for our big schoolies, we wish you all the best for your first year in primary school…we all know you will be amazing!

Love from Mrs McLuskey, Mrs McFarlane and Mrs Sloan