Sliding into September

Welcome to Septembers Blog.

The environment is getting ready for Autumn, but in the Red Group we are getting ready to go on a learning adventure!

There has been lots of ‘Rumbling’ in the nursery with the wind and the rain creating noises. This inspired us to read one of our stories ‘ Rumble in the Jungle’.

The Red Group have been discovering rhyming and alliteration through this book. we have been practising this by listening to the words and discussing possible rhyming words.





Β  Β  Β πŸͺ₯Don’t Forget your toothbrush! πŸͺ₯

In the Red Group we have been learning why it is important to brush our teeth, making sure all the plaque has been removed.

The Red Group likes to brush their teeth!


We make sure we cover every tooth with toothpaste to fight the nasty plaque!

We have been discovering new media and the different ways we can experiment with them.

Different objects were used to investigate methods of printing and mark making.

“Cars are leaving long lines and I can move them in different directions to make a pattern.”

“Sponges! they are leaving a round shape and it has small marks like bubbles.”

“Dinosaur foot print! “πŸ¦•πŸ¦–

We have also experienced the art work of Jackson Pollock and experimented with media while recreating some of his work.  We have displayed our creations on the walls and we even made place-mats for our house corner. 🏠




In the Red Group we always like a challenge! In this case we were sorting colours. We worked in pairs to match the same colours together. This developed our team working skills.

πŸŒŸβ­οΈπŸ’«We were fantastic at it! πŸŒŸβ­οΈπŸ’«

We are having lots of fun discovering and experiencing new activities that develop our knowledge and curiosity.Β  We are ready for October’s learning challenges!!


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