Welcome Back !

Welcome Back

We hope you have had a wonderful break over the summer holidays. β˜€ 🌊  🌈

This blog is used to share some of the fun and exciting learning experiences that go on during our nursery sessions.

They will be updated at the end of every month so save the date and settle down with a cuppa to have a nosey! 🍡 β˜•

Introducing our keyworkers in the Red GroupΒ  β™₯

Mrs McFarlane, Mrs Love and Mrs McCluskey

Over the last fortnight we have had wonderful role models in the red group. The pre-school children have been helping the younger children adjust to their new routines and rules at Cross Arthurlie.

We have welcomed our new friends by sharing stories and songs together. Alongside, proudly showing off our journals. πŸ“™ πŸ–‹

A few photos from our first few days back… πŸ“Έ

See you next month xxx


See you next month!



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