

Springing into Spring šŸ’ šŸ


After returning from the holidays the children in the red group were very excited to check on the progress of our tadpoles.

“They have tails now!”

“There are millions of them!”

“They are so cute!”

We also read a book about tadpoles and learned about their life cycle. We were so good at jumping like frogs.

Some children then made their own tadpole, froglet or frog from junk modelling.


“Look, mines has a long tail!”

Another little peek at things we have shown interest in over the past fortnight.

Outside we have been exploring taking risks and how to keep ourselves safe, when climbing, balancing and jumping. We are developing our confidence to ask for help, either from a grown-up or a friend. “Can you hold my hand?”

At group time the children asked to do some science experiments,Ā  so we had a think and came up with a few ideas…

The children used knifes to cut down the top of a pineapple beforeĀ  placingĀ  it in water and leaving it in a sunny spot. Watch this space as if we are lucky enough it will start to grow roots and we could grow our very own pineapple plant!šŸ¤ž

The children had a bowl of milk with pepper sprinkled on top to represent germs, they then dipped their fingers in washing up liquid before placing them in the milk and watched in amazement as the pepperĀ  quickly dispersed.Ā  They also dipped their fingers in water before placing in milk and compared the different reactions, learning that water without soap won’tĀ  destroy germs.


We had lots of messy fun adding mentos to coke and watching the pressure build up creating an eruption of bubbles!

We have also been caring for the plants and bulbs that we planted before the Easter holidays…discussing what they need to grow…”They need water and mud” “The sunshine, it’s a sunny day today


Can’t wait to show you all what we’ve been up to next month!

ā™” Mrs McCluskey, Mrs Sloan & Mrs McFarlane ā™”



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