February fun ♡

February Fun !

We hope this update gives you a little insight into some of the exciting opportunities going on within the nursery this month. As you look through the photos perhaps your child will tell you a little  something about the learning taking place.


Zooming in our Rockets!

The children were interested in building space rockets within the nursery using different resources. Once completed the children enjoyed counting down from 10  and pretending to launch them, “blast off”.  This led us on to discussing forces and how a rocket takes off. The children made their own paper rockets and experienced first hand how the force of air being pumped through pipes causes the rocket to launch, sometimes very high!

All things Literacy!

The red group have been tapping and clapping out the syllables in our names, our friends names and even some animals too! We were challenged to then sort them into a category; either 1, 2 or 3 syllables. The children in the red group listened very well to the complex instructions and were able to correctly identify how many taps each word had. If we found it a little tricky our other friends were able to help us find the answer!

As world book day approaches Miss Galloway asked us to collect some data… we were given a task to look closely at the illustrations of the book and pick which one we would like the best. All the children had the opportunity to pick their favourite from three options. We then used tally marks and counted the total at the end! We are so excited for them to be delivered for World Book Day!


Acting out our nursery rhyme of the week; Miss Polly had a dolly, it was so much fun and some of our children were able to talk about their experiences visiting a real hospital.

Lovely Letters!

At group time we continue to express interest in familiar letters, we have been exploring the letters in our name by making clay models of them. We could all find the first letter in our name and mostly everyone could order the rest of the letters.

Emotions and Feelings

We have been learning about our feelings and emotions through exploring and discussing the stories in our favourite books. One of the children in the red group even brought a special book from home all about emotions to share with their friends.

We have been talking about what the characters in the book may feel and we are beginning to relate these feelings to something we have experienced before.

“I felt sad when I was sick”

“I was happy and excited going to a party!

“I was sad”

“Sad when you hurt yourself and need a plaster”


Book Bug Sessions

Some children have been taking part in book bug sessions and having a great time singing, rhyming and listening closely to some amazing stories.

“Mrs Sloan, Boo!”

See you in March!

Mrs Sloan, Mrs McFarlane & Mrs McCluskey xx

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