All posts by Mrs Sloan

Super September

It’s been a very busy month in the nursery…from building new friendships and creating masterpieces…to making music and exploring the nursery’s garden. It’s been lots of fun!

At nurture time we have been exploring numeracy through games. We played snakes and ladders using a dice. We were counting the dots on each side of the dice with our eyes. This skill is called subitizing. We were also counting the dots by touching each one with our finger…this skill is called one-to- one correspondence.

We have also been learning about patterns. During nurture time we explored pattern with shapes. Mrs Sloan started a pattern and we were able to continue the pattern. We also had a go at creating our own patterns with the shapes.

Thanks for another great month of exploring together.


Mrs McKie and Mrs Sloan xx

Amazing August

It’s been so lovely to see all the children returning to nursery and telling us all the exciting things they’ve been doing over the summer holidays.  We’d also like to welcome all our new friends to nursery. It’s been great fun getting to know you and we are sure we will all have lots of fun learning together at Cross Arthurlie Nursery.

Here is a snap shot of our first few weeks at nursery this year…

Love Mrs McKie & Mrs Sloan