Fantastic fruity faces!

“We had to use real food to make our faces. I used carrots, grapes and lettuce” -Christopher

“We have been learning about Guiseppe Arcimboldo and made fruity faces and we had to use real food. We had to make it look like Guiseppe’s work.” – Lily R

“We learned about Guiseppe and made fruity faces and they were really yummy. It made us healthy” -Iona

“We had to wash our hands and we used some sugar glue to keep the fruit and vegetables on” – Olivia

“We had to wash our hands before we made our faces. They looked so yummy!” – Archie

“I liked it because it was yummy” – Ryan

“We were allowed to make whatever we wanted out of the fruit and vegetables that Miss McCabe got us. They were so yummy!” – Sydney

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