Cheeky Christmas Elf

Buddy Wiggles Glang Glang, our Elf, has been upto mischief this week. Each morning  he has made us smile and laugh with his funny antics.


On Monday morning we arrived to find Buddy hanging on the ‘e’ on the washing line.


We were a little bit sad as we didn’t think that Buddy had brought our fabulous elf pictures back from Santa, however Buddy had tricked us! Cole opened his tray and there was a letter from Santa with all of our pictures! We were so excited that Santa wrote to us. He loved our pictures and said they looked just like Buddy.


This morning we weren’t sure where Buddy was. We found him in our role play area with Eddy the teddy. He had dressed up and they were playing doctors.



On Wednesday Buddy ate sweets from our advent calendar! We couldn’t believe it!



On Thursday Buddy was playing in our art area and had painted a picture of himself.

Lily R decided to give her elf picture to Buddy. The next day Lily found Buddy’s picture in her tray! Buddy gave Lily R a gift in return – she was delighted! He even wrote a little note but Lily said he had messy handwriting , not like us in P2a.


Buddy was very cheeky and put his own name up as star of the week. He even went and hid in the prize box!

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Instead of our own news, this week we wrote news about Buddy. Miss McCabe made us a book so we can keep a diary.


Here are some examples of our brilliant writing.

img_4243 By Lyle

img_4242 By Iona

img_4241 By Ava

img_4240By Christopher

img_4238 By Sydney

img_4237 By Ryan


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