Fantastic fruity faces!

“We had to use real food to make our faces. I used carrots, grapes and lettuce” -Christopher

“We have been learning about Guiseppe Arcimboldo and made fruity faces and we had to use real food. We had to make it look like Guiseppe’s work.” – Lily R

“We learned about Guiseppe and made fruity faces and they were really yummy. It made us healthy” -Iona

“We had to wash our hands and we used some sugar glue to keep the fruit and vegetables on” – Olivia

“We had to wash our hands before we made our faces. They looked so yummy!” – Archie

“I liked it because it was yummy” – Ryan

“We were allowed to make whatever we wanted out of the fruit and vegetables that Miss McCabe got us. They were so yummy!” – Sydney

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Healthy Eating

By investigating the range of foods available I can discuss how they contribute to a healthy diet. HWB 1-30a


We have been learning about healthy eating and have looked very closely at the Eatwell Guide. This tells us how much of Ā different types of food we should eat. We know that we should eat more vegetables than sugary snacks, for example. We also know that it is important to drink lots of water and eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day.

We learned the different food groups and were able to sort food into these groups.

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We know lots and lots of examples of fruit and vegetables and we are trying to have a healthy snack at playtime.

We learnt examples of carbohydrates are bread, pasta and cereals.

We know protein foods include meat, fish and eggs.

Dairy foods include yogurts and cheese but also dairy alternatives in case you are lactose intolerant.

We thought carefully about the advice from the Eatwell Guide and planned a healthy meal. We planned this on our whiteboards then drew it on a plate for our wall display!

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We also had a visit from nurses from The University of the West of Scotland who told us a little more about the food groups and how they help our bodies. We found out that dairy gives us calcium for strong bones and teeth, and that carbohydrates give us lots of energy!

We did some fun activities with the nurses.

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At the end of our session about healthy eating we all received a special certificate! We were very proud because the nurses said they were impressed with how much we knew!


Next steps – we are now going to learn a little about where our food comes from. We are also going to learn a little aboutĀ Giuseppe Arcimboldo who made pictures of people usingĀ things like fruit, vegetables and fish!

Keep reading our blog to see how we get on.