We had a very exciting day as we were all dressed up! This morning we were so excited! Our classroom was all decorated and we were keen to show off our costumes. Don’t we all look great!?
The Primary 7s came round and chose some winners.
1st place – Joel who was Big Ben. We were all very impressed with his amazing costume. Ava said Joel’s mummy must be an artist as she made it.
2nd place – Olivia as Cruella De Vil. We loved Olivia’s costume, especially her hair. Miss McCabe said it will be very tuggy later!
3rd place – Tony was a safe for keeping money. He wore a really big box and it had lots of money stuck to it! We were disappointed to learn it wasn’t real money though!
Telling the time
This week we have been learning to show and tell O’clock and half past times.
“We played clock bingo” – Lily R
“When the big hand is pointing at the 6 it is half past and when the big hand is pointing at the 12 it is o’clock” – Ava
Miss McCabe said some times and we were all able to show these on our own clocks.
We were even able to draw the hands of the clocks in the correct place.
“There are clocks with no numbers” – Jessica
We were able to show times and draw the hands on clocks all on our own!
“The big hand is the minute hand and the little is the hour hand” – Archie
And finally we were excited to see Joel was a clock. Miss McCabe helped us to read the time on his face! He said 5 past 3.