All posts by Mrs Houston

Outdoor Learning. Primary 3a.




We are going to tell you what we have been doing outside the classroom.

We have been learning about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He lives and works in Scotland. His work is created using only natural things like: sticks, slates, leaves and stones. He usually makes circle patters from these materials.

In small groups we made some art of our own using natural materials that we found in the playground.

“When I was collecting parts of the rocks my hands got really muddy but it was also really fun!” -Kilian

“We made a circle using leaves. They were mostly different colours”. -Andrew

“It was tricky to think of what we could do using all the materials.” -Thomas

“we found different coloured leaves interesting because the looked like a rainbow.” -Maisie

“Our group used moss, a tub, twigs and leaves that we found in the playground to make a pattern. It was quite fun because we got to look around the playground for materials to use.” -Iain


Have a look at some of our own art work because we are very proud of it and think that it looks interesting!

Alexander, Maisie and Abbie
Alexander, Maisie and Abbie
Jack, Zoe and Iain
Jack, Zoe and Iain
Ross, Thomas and Rowan
Ross, Thomas and Rowan
Laurel, Kenzie and Jack
Laurel, Kenzie and Jack
Lucy, Andrew and Felicity
Lucy, Andrew and Felicity
Leon, Ada and Kilian
Leon, Ada and Kilian


Max, Charlotte and Ava
Max, Charlotte and Ava


Our visit to Clarkston library. Primary 3a.

We went to Clarkston library today but we didn’t go on a bus! Instead we all walked together- it was quite a long walk for us!

On our way there we had to think about all the buildings that we saw and our local community. When we arrived at the library we were learning all about the past of Netherlee.

Using I-pads we worked together to look up pictures and information about Netherlee in the past. There was not much that we recognised but we did notice the local shop which is now called Gary’s. Some people also noticed the street that they104_0746 live on although this looks different now.104_0748 104_0753 104_0749

We looked at old maps of the local area and we could compare what Netherlee looked like in the past with how it looks now.

“It was brilliant!” Charlotte.

“I thought the trip was very interesting and exciting.” Kilian

“It was a pretty long walk but I really liked it.” Ada.

“It was educational, I found out lots of new things.” Felicity.

“I thought the trip was very exciting and I learned a lot.” Iain,



Sports Scotland Gold Award for Netherlee! Primary 3a.

On Friday the 18th of September we all crept along to the Atrium to find a surprise waiting for us! The surprise was that Netherlee had been awarded a Gold award for all the sporting opportunities in our school. This is a very difficult award to get!

We had a special visitor come to the school to present us this award. His name was Mr Kenny Brown and he was from Sports Scotland. He gave the school a flag to show that we are now a Gold school.

Our other special visitor was called Susan and she plays hockey for Scotland. She had played hockey for Scotland at the recent Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and came to school wearing the tracksuit she wore during the games!104_0727  She said she felt proud to be able to represent her country. 104_0742104_0739

Mrs Macleod and Mrs Callaghan had organised and taught the whole school a cheer leading routine. We all took part in this routine to the song ‘Shake it Off’ by Taylor Swift. It was hard work and it was a very warm day too! 104_0733

Once we had received our award the whole school took part in a walking bus around the school pitch. We listened to the song ‘500 Miles’ by the Proclaimers and we all enjoyed singing along to it!

Health and Wellbeing. Primary 3a.

As part of Health and Wellbeing we are learning some new dance moves. Next week we are going to work with our class mates in groups to create our own dance routines. We will teach other children in the class this as part of a dance workshop! We were working very hard today! 104_0450

Welcome from Primary 3a and Mrs Houston.

Primary 3a (2015/2016)
Primary 3a (2015/2016)
The start of our Fantastic Mr Fox display!
The start of our Fantastic Mr Fox display!

Welcome to our new blog from Primary 3a and Mrs Houston. We are looking forward to telling everyone about all the exciting things we are learning in school this year!

So far, we have been learning about the author Roald Dahl and his story of Fantastic Mr Fox. We have researched facts about Roald Dahl in ICT and created  mini fact-files about him and his very famous work. We have produced lots of our own work including a wanted poster, a banquet menu for all the animals and we learned how to illustrate Fantastic Mr Fox just like Quentin Blake (he is a very famous illustrator!).

As part of our Friendship week we created acrostic poems explaining what friendship means to each of us. We thought it would be a good idea to display these in the school garden for the other children and adults in the school to read. 104_0447

In the future we are looking forward to learning all about the Vikings and the Rainforest. We are also working very hard to practise our multiplication tables!

We hope that you enjoy reading our class blog!