Our visit to Clarkston library. Primary 3a.

We went to Clarkston library today but we didn’t go on a bus! Instead we all walked together- it was quite a long walk for us!

On our way there we had to think about all the buildings that we saw and our local community. When we arrived at the library we were learning all about the past of Netherlee.

Using I-pads we worked together to look up pictures and information about Netherlee in the past. There was not much that we recognised but we did notice the local shop which is now called Gary’s. Some people also noticed the street that they104_0746 live on although this looks different now.104_0748 104_0753 104_0749

We looked at old maps of the local area and we could compare what Netherlee looked like in the past with how it looks now.

“It was brilliant!” Charlotte.

“I thought the trip was very interesting and exciting.” Kilian

“It was a pretty long walk but I really liked it.” Ada.

“It was educational, I found out lots of new things.” Felicity.

“I thought the trip was very exciting and I learned a lot.” Iain,