Little Bo Peep


Make puppets and act out the nursery rhyme.

Using paper and cotton wool make a model sheep.

Think of as many words as you can that rhyme with sheep.

Play a game of hide and seek with your family.

Use junk materials to make a shepherds/ shepherdess’ crook.



Little Miss Muffet


What do you think a tuffet is? Do you know what curds and whey are? Ask an adult to help you find the meaning of these new words.

Miss and Muffet both start with m, how many items in your home can you find that start with m?

How many legs does a spider have? Once you have found out draw a picture of a spider with all of its many legs!

Miss Muffet was probably eating her breakfast, what would you choose to eat for a healthy balanced breakfast?




The Owl and the Pussycat


Can you join in?


Use junk materials from around the home to create your own boat. Which materials float and which ones sink?

Look at a map of the world, what are the names of the different seas around the world?

Find out how honey is made.

Ask an adult to give you a pile of coins and organise them into stacks of the same coins.

Draw a picture of the owl and the pussy cat in their boat.

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