This morningĀ the children rushed into the playground and immediately started making a giant emergency vehicle! It provided transport for police, fire fighters and doctors.
This morningĀ the children rushed into the playground and immediately started making a giant emergency vehicle! It provided transport for police, fire fighters and doctors.
This year the children are going to be learning about where their food comes from and the journey from field to fork. To support this we welcomed the arrival of new raised beds into the nursery playground.
Together we built the beds, lined the grass with cardboard and filled them with compost. They are now ready for some green manure to be sown to prepare the soil for planting in the spring.
Over the next few months the children and staff will be working together to plan which fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers we are going to plant across the year.
We are looking forward to planting, tending and eating our own food. If you or your family would like to share your knowledge or skills with us we would welcome your support.
The children have returned full of energy after their September break! This week they have asked to explore cooking, horses, the seasons as well as creating letters and pictures for friends and family they are not able to see at the moment. It looks like we all have a busy week ahead!
Yesterday after playing in the drizzle the children sat down together to enjoy a cup of soup.
Today we explored leaves from the plants in our playground. We used them to make necklaces as well as creating prints and patterns.