This morning the children had great fun taking part in a yoga session.
Month: February 2021
Home Learning -Rhyming Folders
We are excited to introduce our nursery rhyme folders to support learning at home.
Each folder focusses on a particular nursery rhyme and has activities from across the curriculum for you to enjoy at home.
They are available to borrow from the nursery foyer, we look forward to hearing what you think about them.
Morning Fun
It is so lovely having all the children back with us this week! We are planning lots of activities linked to feelings, friends and fun.
Weekly Challenge
Financial Education
In this task, we will learn about some of the different ways people make money.
We know what money looks like, but where does it come from?
Some people get money from the work that they do.
Click on the link below and complete the jigsaw to find out what the Jackson family do to make money.
Drag and drop the jigsaw pieces to complete the picture.
Can you guess what each person does to make money by looking at the picture?
Ask an adult to read the answer to you. Did you guess correctly?
Have fun!