In Mearns nursery we value working closely with families to provide an environment and learning opportunities to support to enhance each child’s individual learning journey.
Part of this involves staff carrying out detailed learning observations. Each term your child will be selected as the focus child and their learning journey will be closely followed over the course of a week.
Prior to this you will be sent a Planning For Your Child’s Learning Journey form where you will have the opportunity to share with your child’s key worker their current interest, experiences and learning needs. Allowing you to feed into the observation process.
At the end of the observation week you will be sent your child’s Snap Shot book and observation sheet to share and enjoy with them. You will also be asked to complete the Evaluating Your Child’s Learning Journey form.
Finally you you will have the opportunity to share a call with your child’s key worker to discuss the observation and to work together to agree your child’s next steps in learning.