Tag Archives: ❤️ STEM

Amazing STEM Showcase

Our amazing STEM Showcase  took place last night.  Mr Tyler and the STEM team put a huge amount of effort into planning it all.  It was spectacular and hundreds of children and their parents. We visited the Street this morning to look at all the brilliant creations and STEM selfies.

Mars Meteorites

We had actual Mars meteorites and Mars dust in class today.  The meteorites were very, very old.  It was amazing to hold things which had had been whizzing about in space which  had fallen to Earth.  Our P7 Science Lab technicians came along to tell us all about them.

Flying Helicopters

We made helicopters today and they were so cool.  We had to cut out the template and fold over the different parts.  We then added a paper clip on to the bottom to give it weight.  We flew them off the balcony and watched them spin as they flew.  It was amazing to watch.  We learned that the air helps to support the rotar blades  and makes them spin.

Lab Technician Visit

Rachel Crawford from Highland Spring Water came along to visit us today to talk about her job.  She is a lab technician and has to check if the bottled water is safe to drink.  She showed us lots of pictures about her job and we got to ask her lots of questions.



Dr McEwan

We were very lucky to have Eilidh’s mum visit us today for part of our STEM FORTNIGHT.  She is a doctor in a hospital and told us about all the people who are needed to work in a hospital.  We got to  use the stethoscope, look at X-rays, listen to a heart beat, look at microbes and lots more.  We learned so much. Thank you Dr McEwan!

Launching our STEM FORTNIGHT

Dr Jamie Gallagher launched our STEM Fortnight today at Assembly .  He works  in Nano technology and does super cool things.   He showed us how technology has changed over the years.  He showed us his microscope and showed us insects in detail.  He also had a drone and showed us how it works.  It was amazing. Mr Tyler told us about all the brilliant things that are happening in the next two weeks, including our amazing STEM Showcase on Thursday, 21st March 6pm -7pm. Come along !  It’s free!!