We are very excited to have started our rehearsals for our class assembly which will be on Wednesday 23rd January. The children have had a line sent home to practise and we would appreciate if they are given the opportunity to do so in front of others. We know the children will be excellent as they were super at their recent Nativity performance!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! It is lovely to see all the boys and girls back at school. They have told us all about the great adventures they have had over the holidays. We are all back to normal in class.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all our children, parents and grandparents. We hope you all have a lovely holiday ( with lots of long lies! ) and have a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all in January.
Card Challenge
We had to help the post elves today and sort our all of the Christmas cards. It was quite tricky to do, but we got there!
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Party
We were all dressed up and good to go! We danced; we played games; we ate and drank juice and nobody cried! 👍😃. Santa came to visit us and we had to help him find his elf. A good time was had by all.
It’s A Party
The big day finally arrived! We sang, we danced and we clapped on the stage in our beautiful costumes. We were superb!
Thank you to all mums, dads, grannies, grandpas and friends who came along to support us.
Our Santa Selfies
We read the story “Santa Selfie”by Peter Bentley. Santa gets so fed up with people asking him for a selfie whenever he goes out. He goes on holiday and he is inducted for selfie requests. He decides to go home as the elves and Mrs Claus don’t bother him. We then took our own Santa selfies. 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻
Nativity- Behind the scenes!
We have been rehearsing and rehearsing till we are almost perfect. The stage is up, the manger is in place and the baby Jesus is sleeping in the crib. It is time for us to have our dress rehearsal. It is very scary performing in front of the big children. We did it! We were a big success!
We look performing for you all this week. All Nativity tickets were put in folders on Thursday.
Adrienne tells us the story of Nativity
Adrienne visited us today to tell us the story of Nativity and why we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Some children had to dress up as she told the story. It was good fun. We shared the story with P1.3.
Nursery Nativity
We were very lucky to see the Nursery Nativity. They were very good and knew all their songs and words. We hope we are as good as them next week! 🤞😁