Category Archives: Technology

We are so excited!

It’s that time of year. Everybody is tired but we are all super excited about Santa arriving. ( 13 sleeps to go!).

We have a competition going for the most original Potato Head.  We have to create a chimney for Santa  using our bricks; we can set the table too and eat our Christmas dinner. ( Its very tasty!) Some people are making questionnaires for the class and are going about asking questions.   Some people are busy learning sounds on “Nessie” on the computer.  Some people are busy with jigsaws and some people are enjoying the soothing effects of the water beads.

All that and we are rehearsing our Nativity! Who said it is quiet in a primary school at this time of year??


We like seeing teamwork in P1.3.  It happens a lot and it happens naturally.  The children love making suggestions and giving each other ideas.  There is lots of great discussion.  We have been using the magnetic shapes and the marble run.

We’ve Come a Long Way!

We have come such a long way in P1.3 and we have only been here for 10 weeks!  We were talking to the children about all the different things we have learned and they started to suggest more.  We also looked at our blog to remember things we had forgotten.  We made a big list then Mrs Arbuckle put it onto a “ map”.  We were amazed…. and we are still learning!😁😁🎓