All posts by gw18oneilnicolle@glow


As you will know, the boys and girls are very excited today. They have all discussed their big plans for after school. Some want to build snowmen, others would like to make snow angels and the rest are wanting a snowball fight (good luck parents!). We based our writing on what we like to do in the snow. As you will see, our writing keeps getting better and better ! Mrs Arbuckle also went out into the cold and got some snow for our tuff tray. We put our gloves on and made little snowmen ⛄.


Problem Solving

This week is our problem solving week in Maths. Today, we were completing patterns by drawing the shapes which should come next. We found this a little tricky at first but got better with practise. Mrs Arbuckle added more challenge into this activity by changing the colours of the shapes in the pattern. We needed our thinking hats on 🎩 but we did very well.

Outdoor Learning

We love being outside! Every Tuesday afternoon we will be going outdoors in all weathers. This week, we explored our school Eco Garden and made plans for Spring. We also visited the adventure playground. Please ensure all children are well wrapped up – Miss O’Neil will be doing the same as she had no socks on and ended up with very cold toes!

Class Assembly

We are very excited to have started our rehearsals for our class assembly which will be on Wednesday 23rd January. The children have had a line sent home to practise and we would appreciate if they are given the opportunity to do so in front of others. We know the children will be excellent as they were super at their recent Nativity performance!


We love going to the music room! Today we were pretending to be frogs and hopped along to different beats. We also had the opportunity to play a range of instruments including tambours, maracas, claves, triangles and two-tone woodblocks. It was great fun!