We continued to learn about space today. We watched the Earth “float”; we made rockets and we set our rocket mice into space. We had some great ideas in our designs and learned from one another.
We also watched a clip of Chris Hadfield going to his bed on the Space Station. He zipped himself up in a sleeping bag, which was tied to the wall.
It is Monday morning which means one thing … P.E! Mr Higgins set up an amazing obstacle course for us and we loved it! We had to crawl under a net, dodge through cones, climb under hurdles and jump off of a tall ramp. A perfect start to set us up for our day ahead 👍
We had a great time this afternoon making these scrumptious Easter nest cakes. We washed our hands in the kitchen, melted chocolate and mixed with cornflakes. We then added our little eggs to finish our cakes off. We discussed food allergies and some of the children used special gluten free cornflakes.
We are excited to participate in more STEM activities this week. This morning we had a visit from a dentist. She spoke to us about why our teeth are so important and showed us the different equipment she uses. She explained that we should be brushing our teeth twice a day and we have to try not to eat too much sugar ! The dentist also showed us lots of different food and drink and we had to vote whether we thought these were good for our teeth or bad. Did you know; Frijj banana milk has more sugar in it than a can of Coca Cola!😲
We had a go at creating our own calculations today. We threw dice on the table and added the numbers shown. We were very confident during this activity.
With Mrs Fingland today, we listened to how different instruments add to stories. The xylophone was good for pretending to go up and down stairs. The wood block was good for “tapping on the window”. We had a lot of fun.
We are loving our new set up in the house corner. We have clothes to wash, dry and iron. The children have been working well as a team to get all these troublesome jobs done ☺ If only I had such keen, little helpers at home!
We were learning about halves and quarters today and had to fold paper. It was very difficult to do. We learned that two halves must be equal parts and four quarters must be equal. We played fraction games on Education City too.
Over the past few weeks, Mrs LittleJohn, Mrs Arbuckle and myself have had to take some time off due to being unwell. We are now all back and fighting fit 💪. The children have been very resilient during this time and adapted well to other teachers working with them.
Today we started off our morning with some Jolly Phonics and issued our new homework books. We also have an exciting new addition to our class – iPads ! We have been playing the app King of Maths (junior) which is fantastic for counting, addition and subtraction tasks.
We had so much fun outside! We wrote our names in the snow using our feet, made snow angels, built little snowmen and played with our friends. We were all lovely and warm because we were well wrapped up. Some socks still had to come off and go on the radiators though as some of us liked filling our wellie boots with snow. Brrr! ❄️☃️