We have been learning lots about Scots language in class and getting ready for our Scots Assembly. Mrs Fingland taught us “Heids, Shooders, Naps and Taes” in Music. It was really funny.
All posts by Mrs Arbuckle
All change ( again!)
Every week we ask the children which activities they would like in class. We do our best to put in place their requests. This week the request is for a flower shop, so we shall make our flowers at art to sell this week. It all takes time!
Adding three numbers
Some of us have been learning to add three numbers. It can be quite tricky. We used our cubes to help us to build stories to make 10.
We have been learning to use Nessie for our phonics and reading in ICT. Our mouse control is so much better and we have learned to log on and log off.
Missing Jacket
We are missing a beautiful jacket in P1.3. It is pink with pink flowers on it and is small. If you have it accidentally at home, please could you return it. One little girl would love to have it back. Thank you.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! It is lovely to see all the boys and girls back at school. They have told us all about the great adventures they have had over the holidays. We are all back to normal in class.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all our children, parents and grandparents. We hope you all have a lovely holiday ( with lots of long lies! ) and have a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all in January.
Card Challenge
We had to help the post elves today and sort our all of the Christmas cards. It was quite tricky to do, but we got there!
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Party
We were all dressed up and good to go! We danced; we played games; we ate and drank juice and nobody cried! 👍😃. Santa came to visit us and we had to help him find his elf. A good time was had by all.
It’s A Party
The big day finally arrived! We sang, we danced and we clapped on the stage in our beautiful costumes. We were superb!
Thank you to all mums, dads, grannies, grandpas and friends who came along to support us.