All posts by Mrs Arbuckle


It snowed today and we were all super excited.   We took our snow boots and wellies off and pegged them together, to keep them safe and changed into our gym shoes.   We unwrapped ourselves and put all our hats, gloves and scarves up on the shelf, ready for when we go out.  We are all organised!


At football today, we started to learn how to dribble the ball with the inside of our foot and place our foot on the ball to stop it.  It was quite tricky, but we did it!  We only have a short time in the Street, so we have to listen super carefully.

Burns Supper

We  had our Burns Supper on Friday.  Mrs Arbuckle told us all about Robert Burns and we watched the story of Tam O’Shanter .  It was quite scary, but we know it was only his imagination.  Mrs Arbuckle said the Selkirk Grace before we started to eat our oatcakes and cheese and we ate our shortbread and we drank orange juice.  It was delicious.  Our school lunch had also offered us haggis, neeps  and tatties  if we wanted it. At the end, we sang “Auld Lang Syne”.  ( We know all the words!)

Tam O’ Shanter


Our “ Supper”

Tastes delicious

Can’t talk- eating!


Auld Lang Syne







Dentist Visit

The dentist visited us today. She was lovely.  She used a special little mirror to look inside our mouths.  We had to step up onto a table and lie down.  The dentist gave us really dark sunglasses to wear as she had to use a bright light which would have shone in our eyes.  We looked really cool.   We were so good, that we got Disney stickers at the end.

Snowy Days

When it is a snowy day, please ensure your child is well wrapped up, has spare socks in their bag and is wearing appropriate snow shoes. These can be changed to their gym shoes when they arrive in class. As well as outdoor learning, the children will be outside for their break and lunchtime so can get very cold if not appropriately dressed ❄☃ Thank you!

Burns Speaker

The brilliant Angus Middleton came into school on Friday for our Burns Assembly and to talk to P1.3.  Angus is a past President of the Robert Burns World Federation and gives talks to lots of people  and judges Burns competitions all over the world. He watched the rehearsal of our Assembly and was very impressed.  We had prepared questions for him and he was able to give us all the answers. Thank you for visiting us, Angus!




Burns Assembly

We performed at the Burns Assembly and recited the poem “In My Wee Red Motor”.  We were brilliant. The Primary 5’s are hosting their Burns Supper on Thursday night and sang their Burns songs .  Angus Middleton, a Burns expert, came along to talk to us too.  It was a great afternoon.