All posts by Mrs Arbuckle

Dough Disco

At Health today,  Miss Smith told us all about the Dough Disco.  It was so good! We watched the clip and it told us what to do to our dough in time to the disco music.  It was a lot of fun.  The movements are stress relievers and can be used when we want to feel better.  It is good for our mental health.

We are tall with big feet!

We continued measuring today.  This time we were using centimetres to measure.  We drew round our shoes and measured the outline.  Charleen had the biggest feet with 23cm.   Mrs Wheatley measured our height on the door with a metre stick.  Charleen is also the tallest person in the class.


We were using cubes to measure different lengths of wool today.  We had to place the cubes beside the different lengths and see the differences.  We then developed this by measuring each other.

Welcome Back!

Hello! It’s been lovely to see everyone back at school today and hear about all the different adventures that the children have had over the holidays.  Mrs Stephenson also showed us some of her wedding pictures.  (She was a beautiful bride! ). We have had a quiet day as everyone is still in shock at getting up early and are tired. We are happy to play with our friends again and learn with Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Arbuckle.