We were learning all about symmetry. We had to make symmetrical pictures using our loose parts and we went for a walk around the school to see what was symmetrical. It was quite tricky, but we soon became experts.
We were learning all about symmetry. We had to make symmetrical pictures using our loose parts and we went for a walk around the school to see what was symmetrical. It was quite tricky, but we soon became experts.
It is always busy in 1.3. The children asked for new activities last week and we have done our best to provide them. We also have different activities to reinforce our learning. It is always a work in progress.
We learned some more of our Scottish dance routine today. Our teachers were very impressed with how well we did. 😁
On the 1st December, Mearns Primary will host our annual Christmas fayre. For this, our class are going to make these amazing reindeer jars filled with reindeer dust, perfect to scatter on Christmas Eve! Please help us by sending in any spare glass jars over the next week (jam jar size) and once we have enough for each child we can begin our crafting.
Thank you ☺
We visited the school library today. We were having a little look at the books and we read stories to each other. When we return to the library, we will be able to take books out, but we have to remember to bring them back!
We learn maths in all different ways. We can use our loose parts to add and we use real money when we learn about money. Here we are adding 1and sorting out money.
We have started to learn Scottish Country Dancing. We were a bit uncertain at first, but soon got the hang of it. A lot of counting to 8 was heard and a lot of giggles. We had to work as a team and go round for 8in a circle and go back again. Then we had to go up to our partners and clap their hands . We’ll do more next week and add in the music.
We has a lot of fun with our hallowe’en science. We made lava lamps; felt the gloop, slime and freely pumpkins; we touched the ice hands and felt them as they melted and we watched the pumpkin throw up when Mrs Arbuckle put the vinegar onto the special powder; we used static electricity to lift the tissue ghosts and Miss Barrie from Eastwood High brought in her Van der Graaf Generator. It made lightning and cracked. It also made Miss Barrie’s hair stand up.
Lots of activities ! Lots of fun!