Busy First Day

Day One is always a bit hectic.  Thanks  to all our parents who helped us this morning.  Everyone settled into class and we all had a good day.  No one said they wouldn’t come back! ( Always a good sign!)

We spent the first day getting to know the children and introduce  them to our class routines.  Practise makes perfect!

Welcome to P1.3


We are very excited to working with the children this year.

Mr Arbuckle works full time and is in class every day.  Miss O’Neil works Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Littlejohn  works Thursday and Friday.

We  all look forward to meeting you at our “Meet the Teacher” evening on Monday,  20th August.  This will be at 6pm until 7pm.  It is your chance to hear about what we will be doing in class and ask us any questions.

Mrs Arbuckle

Miss O’Neil

Mrs Littlejohn