Fitness Circuit

On Tuesday we took part in a fun fitness circuit alongside athletes.

A special thanks to P1.1’s sports leader for helping with the event:

Thank you to all those who have handed in their sponsorship forms, we will still be collecting forms till Tuesday 29th January. The money raised will be used to buy new sports equipment for our school.

Our cooking experience

Our experience in Cridhe Thaighe, the heart of the home.

We were learning to cut whole fruits and vegetables into smaller equal parts.

First we made fruit smoothies 🍌🍓🥛

Ingredients: bananas, strawberries and milk

Method: 1. Peel and cut your banana into quarters.

2. Chop off the leaves and stem (calyx) and cut the strawberry into half.

3. Put your fruit into the blender and add milk.

4. Blend

5. Pour into cups and enjoy!

Next, we made pizzas 🍕

Ingredients: tortilla wraps, tomato purée, vegetables of your choice and cheese

Method: 1. Wash and chop your vegetables in halves, quarters or more depending on the size of your vegetables.

2. Place your tortilla wrap on a tray.

3. Spread a layer of tomato purée on your tortilla.

4. Place the vegetables on the pizza.

5. Top with cheese.

6. Place the pizza in the oven for 8-10 mins at 180 degrees.

7. Remove from the oven, slice the pizza into halves/quarters/more. Serve and enjoy!

‘I liked making the pizza.’ Anna

‘I liked chopping in quarters.’ Zac

‘I enjoyed eating the pizza with my family.’ Caleb

‘My favourite part was using a knife to chop the bananas.’ Param


We are learning to split whole objects into smaller parts.

We used play dough to make food. We had an array of pizzas, cakes, hotdogs, sandwiches and cut them into smaller equal parts. We were cutting the smaller parts into equal parts which meant we had to be precise that the parts were the same size.

We cut halves and quarters of shapes. We came up with a brilliant idea to fold the shape in half and quarter before cutting to ensure the parts were equal.

We made our own pizzas using paper plates and coloured paper. Then we cut our pizzas into halves and quarters.

Happy Holidays

Warmest wishes of this festive season and a Happy New Year. For the children celebrating, I hope Santa is good to you all. Have a wonderful holiday everyone, we look forward to welcoming you back in 2019!

Christmas Stories

Thank you P3.12 for reading your wonderful Christmas stories to us. Santa sure is adventurous travelling all over the world delivering Christmas presents just in time for all the boys and girls to wake up to.

Christmas Party

It really is a party today and we look dashing 🎉

The party started with musical statues, we boogied to Christmas songs and froze when the music stopped.

Well done to our winners!

Next we played pass the parcel. Every time the music stopped we unwrapped a layer of paper to find a little task we had to complete before moving on.

Well done to our winner!

Then we played corners. There were four corners and every time the music stopped we had to choose a corner to run to. Without looking, a corner was chosen by a teacher and if you were at the chosen corner you had to go out. This went on till there were only four players left.

Well done to the winners!

After the party games, we had party snacks. Yummy 😋

Last but not least, we had a surprise visitor! Can you guess who…

Indeed it was Santa Claus and he brought us presents. We were so excited today and had great fun!

Christmas Nativity

The day finally arrived for our Christmas Nativity.

Our teachers think we made the sweetest most angelic angels. We have loved practising for the nativity and were so excited to perform for all our families. We hope you enjoyed ‘It’s a Party’.

The excitement isn’t over just quite yet though because tomorrow is our party 🎉

We wonder if we’ll have any surprise visitors….. 🎅


During our Literacy and English lessons we explore language in a number of different ways. Today there were groups exploring different sounds in words, creating  character profiles, using ICT to sort real and nonsense words and some children relaxing with their favourite book.

Minister Visit

Today our Minister, Adrienne came to tell us the Christmas story.

In a little town of Bethlehem lived Mary, Mary was looking forward to getting married.

One day an angel came to visit her and said, ‘Don’t be afraid God has chosen you for something very special, you are going to have a baby called Jesus. He is the son of God.’

When Joseph heard the news he was worried, the angel spoke to Joseph in a dream. ‘Don’t be afraid, take care of Mary. She is going to give birth to the son of God and he will bring many blessings.’ Joseph did as he was told.

They went to Bethlehem and the town was very busy. The only place they could find to live was with the animals. Mary gave birth to baby Jesus and wrapped him in swaddling clothes.

The angels spoke to the shepherds, ‘Don’t be afraid, the son of God has arrived.’

Far away some wise men saw a star in the sky. It’s a sign a new king has been born and we must go to visit him. They took gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These were special gifts were for the king.

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