
To start our day we had an ERIC session and it was lovely to see everyone relaxing with a good book.

Then we went into groups to work on our word building and reading skills. One group decided to revise their capital letters by making them out of Kapla!

We like finding new and interesting ways to learn!

Pizza Anyone?

To support our work in symmetry and fractions the children asked to open a pizza parlour! We are looking forward to creating new and exciting pizza toppings, making symmetrical patterns and slicing our pizzas into different fractions.

As part of our role play we are also exploring the world of work with roles including: chef, driver, waiting staff and cashier.


During our Literacy and English lessons we explore language in a number of different ways. Today there were groups exploring different sounds in words, creating  character profiles, using ICT to sort real and nonsense words and some children relaxing with their favourite book.


We have been enjoying adding with concrete materials and today we started to explore numberlines. There are different styles of numberlines in our playground and we had great fun jumping our addition calculations.

After we had explored the numberlines outside we tried using our mini numberlines inside.

Due to our experience of learning outdoors we were confident adding using our smaller numberlines.

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