Category Archives: THANK YOU


We have been enjoying reading ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ as a class. Last week, we were introduced to the White Witch and read all about her meeting with Edmund and how she was cleverly tricking him in to bringing his brother and sisters back to Narnia with some enchanted Turkish Delight.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Mackey for her own Turkish Delight that she handed in for the class to enjoy. It was quite delicious, if not enchanted, and we thoroughly devoured the boxes as we continued with the story. Yum, yum!


Thank you very much to everyone who popped in to our Meet the Teacher event. It was lovely to see  all the familiar faces from last session, and equally nice to welcome the new parents/ carers to P2.7.

I am thoroughly enjoying Primary 2 and look forward to many rewarding months ahead with the children. I also look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure your child gets the best experience when at school.