Category Archives: THANK YOU


Primary 2.7,

Where do I begin?

I am such a lucky lady to have been your teacher over the past while, and to have watched you all blossom and grow in many ways.

It is with a sad heart that I leave you early, but I know that you are in very good hands. Before I go, I need you to know how proud I am of what each and every one of you has achieved so far, and that I look ahead with even more pride at what you still have to realise.

Know that I love you all dearly and wish you happiness and success in all you do. And who knows, maybe I’ll be back in Mearns to see it all first hand, and even grab a few hugs.

With lots of love ‘n’ hugs,

Mrs McConalogue x



Just a quick note to say that I have been overwhelmed by your kindness yet again this Christmas – thank you! Mrs McCann and Mrs Adamson would like me to pass on their thanks as well.

I would also like to thank you for all your support over the past months/ year and a half. Having such a good partnership with all parents/ carers has made my job much easier, but most of all it has benefited your child’s experiences at school.

Moving on has not been an easy decision, especially knowing that I have to leave the children behind. Your kind wishes and leaving gifts have touched me more than you can imagine, and have made me question my move even more. I am well aware that the door remains open so I will not say goodbye as yet.


A huge big thank you to everyone for supporting our business enterprise this term. The children have had a ball working in teams and as individuals throughout the process.

I’m sure you will agree that our final products (Christmas photo frames) looked amazing. Due to your continued support and generosity, we made a profit of £115 that has been handed over to our ever supportive PTA.

Many thanks as always.