Primary 2.7,

Where do I begin?

I am such a lucky lady to have been your teacher over the past while, and to have watched you all blossom and grow in many ways.

It is with a sad heart that I leave you early, but I know that you are in very good hands. Before I go, I need you to know how proud I am of what each and every one of you has achieved so far, and that I look ahead with even more pride at what you still have to realise.

Know that I love you all dearly and wish you happiness and success in all you do. And who knows, maybe I’ll be back in Mearns to see it all first hand, and even grab a few hugs.

With lots of love ‘n’ hugs,

Mrs McConalogue x


13 thoughts on “BIG HUGS!!!”

  1. Hi Mrs M.
    We loved your message it made Mrs P cry!!
    We were busy making New Year resolutions today. It was fun!
    Is it good being a Depute Head?
    Lots of love and hugs
    2.7 xxxoooo

    1. Hiya!

      Still missing you loads.
      My New Year resolution is to make sure I keep in touch with everyone at Mearns Primary.
      I am having lots of fun being a Depute Head Teacher but do miss working with you in class.

      Lots of love ‘n’ hugs,

      Mrs M. x

      1. Conor says he has made a very good all about me paper arm and hand. It was brilliant.
        How are you liking being a depute head? from Ethan
        How are you at Auchenback? love Lois
        Your letter on the blog was nice, my Mummy was crying! from Nathan
        Are you having great fun at your new school? from Kaitlin and Mariam
        Hello my name is Darcy, I’m new to 2.7 and having lots of fun.
        I am still very good at working hard from Marton.
        How are you doing? from Jamie

  2. I went to the Aladdin panto. I liked it when the baddie sang. Hope you like your new job.
    Love from Finn

  3. I went to my uncle’s house at Christmas. My best present was my Hatchimel. I miss you.
    Love, Eilidh J

  4. I went for dinner at BRGR. I had chicken and chips. It was yummy. Hi hope you are a good Deputy Head!

  5. Hi How are you doing? I went bowling and I won! I got a sticker and a prize.
    Love, Manal

  6. Sophie hopes you come back in June!
    Andrew says he had fun at his Granny’s and his tooth came out! The fairy left £2.
    Eilidh Brown went to her Gran’s in Aviemore. She played with her dog, Flora. She says she misses you!
    Ruby went to Australia for a sunny Christmas! She had a barbecue on Christmas day. She visited her cousins.

  7. How are you? from Ashwin

    We have made hands telling information about ourselves in class today from Safaa

    I liked you being our teacher love Rebecca

    What kind of stuff do you do now? I won a rubber from Ace Achievers from Declan

    Are you having a good time? from Hooria

    I was doing quite good listening today and won an Ace Achiever from Thomas

    How are you? I went to Stirling in the holidays. Did you visit anywhere? from Samantha

    Thank you for being our teacher. I got an Ace Achiever for good sitting. from Olivia

  8. Hi Angela, hope all going well.
    Enjoy the messages from the class. We are having fun!

  9. Mrs McCann says you would be very proud of us all because we are behaving very well for Mrs Provan

  10. Well done, Connor!
    Ethan, I am enjoying being a Depute Head very much.
    I am very well, Lois. Thank you for asking.
    I was crying too, Nathan.
    I am having lots of fun, Kaitlin and Mariam.
    Lovely to meet you Darcy. You are very lucky to have such an amazing class.
    Keep up the hard work, Marton.
    I am having lots of fun, Jamie.
    Ashwin, I am very well.
    Great stuff, Safaa.
    Rebecca, I also liked being your teacher.
    Well done, Declan. I do lots of different things now such as working with parents.
    I’m having a great time, Hooria.
    Well done, Thomas. Keep it up!
    Samantha, I am good. I was in Tenerife for Christmas.
    Great work, Olivia. Thank you for being a super pupil.

  11. I would love to come back in June, Sophie.
    Lucky you, Andrew!.
    I miss you too, Eilidh B.
    Sounds like a great Christmas, Ruby.
    Well done, Manal.
    Sounds yummy, Noah. I hope I am a good Depute as well.
    I miss you too, Eilidh J.
    I love my new job, Finn.

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