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Miss Doig

27 October, 2016
by Mr Hendry

Star Pupil

This week’s Star Pupil is Isaac Quinn. For being helpful and working very hard (particularly in Maths). Congratulations!

27 October, 2016
by Mr Hendry

Rights Respecting Masterclasses

This week Primary 2 are learning all about Article 14 of the UN Rights of the Child: All countries should “respect the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.” within this article is the idea that all religions and beliefs should be respected. As such the children have been learning about lots of different religions including Buddhism, Islam and different Christian denominations. Here are a few photos of the children learning about meditation and acting the devil who tries to distract the First Buddha. We also made Lotus Flowers, an important symbol in Buddhism.

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27 October, 2016
by Mr Hendry


We have some more fantastic achievements in P2.6. Ryan has drawn most of the Marvel Universe, Erin and Isabella showed off their medals, Max won Best Beaver, Dylan showed us his initiation certificate, Hussein has been helping out a lot, and Sophie won a running race in Aviemore. Well done!

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