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Miss Doig

26 January, 2017
by Mr Hendry


Rachel taught us about planets and moons, a lot of research and learning went into the book she made. Thank you Rachel



25 January, 2017
by Mr Hendry

Burns Masterclasses

Primary 2 have had a wonderful day finding out all about Robert Burns. They created some tartan and Red Red Roses, performed some Burns inspired music, created their own Scots Poem and learnt about where Burns grew up. Enjoy your Burns Night!

Pictures from Class Photographer Kadi Fletcher.

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19 January, 2017
by Mr Hendry

Volume and Litres

Thank you all for all the bottles and containers, this enabled the children to explore the idea of volume being the space inside a shape/ container and led to comparisons between different amounts. Groups were able to investigate half litres and litres and report on what they had found out. Unfortunately the camera ran out of battery at this point but here’s the 2 pictures it took.

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