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Miss Doig

28 February, 2017
by Mr Hendry
1 Comment



More wonderful achievement in 2.6. Riyad and Blake achieved their next belts in Karate. Blake also swam 400m! Ryan played well at football, Rachel has mastered her mirror writing, Anya wrote a book for World Book Day, Isabella has been practicing her singing for the Tinman, Zain has been building lots on Survival Craft and Sophie has been busy making things!

10 February, 2017
by Mr Hendry

Forces Investigation

We have been investigating the effect of different surfaces on push and pull movements using ramps and cars. We found that the plastic surface made the car go fastest while the carpet was the slowest. The conclusion the class came up with was that this is because the plastic was the smoothest and the carpet was the roughest or bumpiest. Thanks to our class photographer Hussein 🙂


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