Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Fayre. We made a £90 profit from the sales of our pictures.
Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Fayre. We made a £90 profit from the sales of our pictures.
Thank you for all of your support at our Nativity production. There were a lot of rehearsals to do and a lot of waiting around. We needed lots of patience. At our evening performance, we were all very excited to be in the classroom in the dark. Mrs Arbuckle put on some music and we all danced while we waited for our turn to perform.
All the P2s came together to have fun at the Christmas party. There were games, dancing and food and drink to be had. We were all dressed up for the occasion and had a great time.
We finally did it and we threw our snowballs at the right time! So many rehearsals and so many “Let’s do it agains!”
Thank you to everyone who came along to lend their support.
We were brilliant on the day!
We have been practising for our Assembly . We know it is a long way away (11th January) but we need to know what we are doing at the right time! Thank you to all parents for assisting in learning lines.