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Outdoor Learning

It was so hot in the class today, that we had our lessons outdoors.  We started by doing our spelling test – painting the words with water on the wall and the ground.  Next we did our phonics with chalk on the ground.  Then  it was time for cartwheel and handstands – every child loves them!

After our minute’s silence at 11am, we went off to the wood into  the shade to find different types of leaves- nibbled ones, yellow ones, curled ones- the list was long!  After we had discussed our leaves, we walked round the pitch for our daily mile.  It was fun to chatter as we went. Then it was time to head indoors with our water bottles and have much needed cool down time.

After lunch, we headed over to the field  to look at what lives in the grass. We found lots of different things from moss to spiders!  Next we made pictures using sticks, leaves grass and flowers.  They were pretty. Finally, we did roly  polys down the hill to end our fun day and sat in the shade to have a drink.  A wonderful day of learning.

Constructing Castles

We decided to make our own castles and thought that team work would be a good idea.  Many hands make light work.  We planned our constructions and had to decide what materials we would need; what jobs we would have to create and who would do those jobs.

Our plans worked like clockwork as we set about building our constructions.  Mrs Gordon came along too and brought her craft tools for us to try.  We were very proud of our achievements at the end of our lesson.

Late Coming

We have had a few problems recently, with parents being phoned to say their child is not at school, when they are actually safe in class.  It is a very distressing phone call to receive.

This has been happening as the children have not come in to the school  via the school office, where it is noted that they are late and  class registers will be changed from ” Absent” to “Late”.

If your child is late , please ensure that they go in to school using the front door and report to the office.

Thank you.