We looked at some stories of how comic relief helps people.Some stories were very sad. We watched some funny clips too. We also drew ourselves with red noses.
All posts by Mrs Arbuckle
Snowy Days
Thank you to everyone who made a huge effort to get their children to school on time on Tuesday, when the snow appeared out of nowhere! The snow at Mearns is usually deeper than elsewhere and all the staff at the school make an effort to ensure that the children are safe in school. You can follow our Twitter feed for information on such occasions.
We get to learn in many different ways. We have been using the iPads to enter the Sumdog competition . We have also been developing our coding skills using Scratch Junior, using the skills we learned from our Primary 7 buddies. You could hear a pin drop as we all concentrated!
Cook School
Mrs Gordon showed us how to make fruit juice cocktails. She gave us a design sheet and we had to decide which juices we wanted to use and how many millilitres of each juice we wanted to use. We all got to drink our concoctions at the end of our session. Delicious!
Building Castles
Someone asked the question “How were castles built?” We had to find out! We then created some of our own castles from Lego or Play Dough with great results.