Category Archives: Science

Science – senses

Today we focused on how we taste food. We learned that we have around 10000 taste buds that are replaced every two weeks. These taste buds send messages to our brain to tell it if something is sweet, salty, spicy, bitter or sour. The other important thing we learned was that when chew our food, chemicals are created that send signals to the back of our noses and then receptors there send messages to our brain to give it even more information about the flavour of the food we are eating. Who knew that without our noses we would have no flavour in our life!

Outside on Friday in the sunshine

We spent the morning outside being wildlife ecologists collecting information for the British Ornithogical Society. We measured a patch of grass, then Mrs McGregor dug it for us and we sifted through it to find minibeasts. We then recorded the information on the types of minibeasts we found, along with their length….although measuring the length of a wriggly worm is not as easy as it sounds!