Category Archives: literacy

World Book Day in the snow

Finally the snow went and we got to complete some fun world book day activities in class….just a week or so late! 😊 I went out for a lovely walk in the snow and read my book in lots of unusual places. I can’t wait to get back to school next week to hear how all of you celebrated World Book Day. 😊

Scots Poetry competition

Scots Poetry competition. We had a great time listening to all our poems on Monday and then we had our Primary 2 competition yesterday with the finalists for each house from each class performing in front of the whole year group. We can’t wait for the whole school competition next week!

Here are the house finalists for P2:

Maple Preisha Nandwani
Poplar Miriam Robertson
Oak Lois Goldie
Cedar Mia McCamon
Beech Donald MacInnes

Snow fun

On Tuesday when the snow came, we were lucky enough to get outside and enjoy it at playtime and lunchtime. We also went out during class time and worked as a team to build a cute snowman. We learning how to make a sphere for his head and body and how to find some other objects to give him arms and legs and a face. We are writing about how we made him today as well and having great fun remembering everything we did.